Line Charts

Line charts are great for tracking data over time. Sometimes we want to compare different metrics on the same chart to see if they are moving together, or diverging. Unfortunately, one number may be measured in dollars ($) and another in percentage (%). When numbers are in very different scales, they are difficult to display in a meaningful way on a single chart. But, this video shows a great trick around this problem by applying a secondary axis, and like magic, the data can be compared!

Column Charts

This video looks at a basic column chart and shows how a little 3D effect can go a long way. Then, we show how stacking columns can help us compare revenue and expenses in each year. Finally, we throw profit margin into our revenue column chart – why? – because what is the point of making more sales if you can’t keep the money?…

Pie Charts

Pie Charts are a great tool for analyzing dessert…ahem…I mean categorical data. In this video, the pie charts show a visual distribution of our website visitors over the two years. I also show you how to adjust the legend and data labels to maximize your charts impact!

Stacked Charts

Stacked charts are a great way to analyze categorical data over time. In this example, we analyze the changing mix of website visitors over time by stacking the values in each year. Stacked charts make it easy to visually see changes in customer mix.

Scatter Chart

Scatter charts are used when we have one variable the predicts another variable – meaning each point on the graph is a combination of two variables. In English – we are going to explore how hours studying affects your test grade. Naturally, the chart shows a positive relationship between studying and your test score. I even through in a trend line with basic regression analysis for some statistical fun:)